Univer-city #1 - erasmus
My friend Marta had some years ago the incredible experience of living in Coimbra, Portugal, for more than 6 months for her Erasmus. Back then I was taken a lot with my final graduation exams and thesis and i could never had the chance of visiting her to prove she was right when sending me long emails about the coolness of the University life over there, the crazyness of student's traditions and the multicultural environments fostered by the lively community from Cape Vert. Legends came to my hears, most of the time, I admit, I was not taking totally seriously what Marta said, thinking that at least half of her tales where the product of the enthusiasm of the erasmus life.
Univer-city #2 – graduation party
Univer-city #3 – republics
Up on the hill there are several independent republics. The Raj-Ta-Parte is one of the oldest, 1943 when was first created, then re-founded in 1949 in its actual location after that the Regime destroyed some of the old building surrounding the University to enlarge and build new faculties in the massive functionalist style which reminds quite closely the one of “La Sapienza” in Rome from Mussolini time. The Republic of Raj-Ta-Parte is totally free and independent (it's motto is “the burp is free”). It's a community of 9-10 students sharing everything like in a commune. Everybody can enter in the Republic, the door is never locked and you can go and eat with the republicans. Nevertheless, to be a member, ones need to be accepted officially by the community after a trial period in which the person before is allowed to regularly be there and then to sleep as well. All decisions are made by unanimity among the members. Raj-Ta-Parte is a piece of history of Portugal. People passing and living there became eventually important members of the government, famous engaged singers (i.e. Adriano, who died in 1984) and the community of members is extended over the time and space.
Univer-city #4 – saudade
Coimbra fado is different from Lisbon fado. I am not such an expert to say on what differs much, but from my friends i understand that in Coimbra fado has been influenced quite a lot from student life and intellectualism. What i am listening in Diligentia, tasting a glass of Porto wine with the interpreters of the Training Course, is just a wonderful voice bringing me far away.
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