Tuesday, 3 November 2009

African Union (Addis Abeba_Brussels)

M.me Agoussou receives us in her office at the African Union Commission. In three years of Africa-Europe cooperation in the youth field this is the first time the European Youth Forum and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe manage to meet with her. In itself this is an event that reward the whole trip politically speaking.

The fact that Dr. Agoussou did not met us before or came to any of the meetings she has been invited is not bad will, rather overload, understaffing of an institution that after only 5 years of existence is now struggling to match implementation capacity with political achievement.

Walking around the African Union Headquarters you get the impression of this work in progress, in front of the old buildings there is a massive space with a big white compound with chinese characters.

The Government of the People's Republic of China is building for free a brand new, huge Headquarters for the African Union Commission.

Is this city going to be become the Brussels of Africa? And is China going to build it?

(more info on China in Addis: http://www.davidkilgour.ca/2007/Nov_26_2007_04.htm)

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